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United Nation Assistance !!!

Western Union Support<info@westernunion.com>
Reply-To: westernunionassistance@kimo.com

Good day,

I write to inform you that we have already sent you $5000.00 USD dollars through Western Union as we have been given the mandate to transfer your full compensation payment of $150,000 USD via Western Union by the United Nations Government.So I decided to email you the MTCN and sender's name so you can pick up this $5000.00 USD to enable us send another $5000.00USD by tomorrow as you know we will be sending you only $5000.00 USD per day. Please pick up this information and run to any Western Union in your country to pick up the $5000.00 USD and call me back to send you another payment tomorrow. However we have noted you as a customer of western union money transfer.

Manager: Mr Tony Presly
Email: westernunionassistance@kimo.com
Tel number:+2348060080472

Call or email me once you picked up this $5,000 USD today. Here is the western union information, you can also track it on-line @ www.westernunion.com

Sender Information's
Sender First Name: Hiram
Second Name: Martin
MTCN: 078 - 797 - 8282
Amount= 5,000USD
Test Question;= To Who?
Test Answer;= To Friend

Mean while i want you to give me a call if there is any problem my telephone number is +2347053396550.

Tel number:+2348060080472
Mr Tony Presly


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