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!! Be aware SCAMs are on !!
What you are looking is scam. Don’t reply such mails/sms. It may be a “Advance Fee Fraud” case.
Note:- Name/address used on this site have no link in any way with any reputed or genuine company/person.
[ All post checked and certified by our scam reporting team for its authenticity and declared as scam. Posted here to aware others. Please don't reply to them. ]

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Pending Messages !

This is a phishing mail to snatch your Gmail account Id and Password. Don’t click on the link given in email it will take you to a hidden address page which looks like of Google, but it belongs to some other unsolicited web. Look at the mail picture given below.


Dear User,

your two incoming mails were placed on pending status due to the recent upgrade to our database,

In order to receive the messages click here http://lgmailmgs.has.it/  to login and
wait for responds from Gmail

Google phishing mail got in inbox

See the address of page showing in address bar. It is not of google.


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