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Mr.Sirbain.Mousa - VERY VERY URGENT

from:     Mr.Sirbain Mousa mr.sirbain40910@msn.com
reply-to:     sirban.mousa@voila.fr

subject:     VERY VERY URGENT

Dear Friend,

  I am Mr.Sirbain.Mousa, an auditor with The  Islamic Development Bank (ISDB). There was an account opened in this bank in 1998 and since 2002 nobody has operated on this account again. After going through some old files in the records, I discovered that if I do not remit this money out urgently, this funds will go down the drains, into the hands of either the board of directors of this bank or the funds may eventually be discovered by the government as a dormant fund in the forth coming audit by the Nations auditors.
They will confiscate or send it into the government's treasury account. The question now is who is the government and where is the treasury? These are human beings like you and I. The owner of this account is Mr Hatem Kamil Abdul Fattah an Iraqi national  and a miner at Kruger gold co, a geologist by profession and he died in 2003 . No other person knows about this account or any thing concerning it, the account has no other beneficiary and my investigation proved to me as well that his company does not know anything about this account.
The amount involved is Fifteen Million  United States Dollars.($15.000.000) I am only contacting you, as a foreigner because this money cannot be approved to a local bank account here, but can only be approved to any foreign account and foreign beneficiary because the money is in US dollars and the real owner of the account is Mr Hatem  Kamil Abdul Fatah, himself  a foreigner too.
I only got your contact address from my secretary who operates computer; with belief in God that you will never let me down in this business so that I will inform you the next step to take immediately.
I need your full co-operation to make this work fine because the management is ready to approve this payment to any foreigner, who has correct information of this account, which I will give to you later, if you will be able to handle such amount in strict confidence and trust according to my instructions and advice for our mutual benefit because this opportunity will never come again in our life.
With my position now in the office I can transfer this money to any foreigner's reliable account, which you can provide with assurance that this money will be intact pending my physical arrival in your country for sharing and investment.
I will also use my position and influence to effect legal approvals for onward transfer of this money to your account with appropriate clearance documents from the ministries and foreign exchange department.But, only it will cost us small money as to procure such back up documents from the ministries concerned.

Your earliest response to this letter will be appreciated.
I look forward to your earliest reply.
Yours Friendly,


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