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Mr.Hado Sore - Assalamu Alaikum!

from:     Mr Hadosore jesuisbon@voila.fr via yahoo.com
reply-to:     hadosore001@gmail.com

subject:     Assalamu Alaikum!

Greetings Friend, 
I know this Message Might Come to you as a suprise,I hope you would not betray the trust and confident am about to repose to you,My name is Mr.Hado Sore, a Senior Staff and Regional Branch Manager here in our Bank. It may Interest you to hear that I am a Man of Peace. 

I only hope we can assist each other. I have packaged a financial Transaction that Will benefit both of us, as the Regional Bank Manager, it is my duty to send in a Financial report to my head Office in Burkina Faso at the end of each quarter of the year. On the course of last first quarter of the year April 2011 report, I discovered that an account in my Bank which contains $7.3 Million United State Dollars have been domant for over Seven Years.and after my personal investigation on the account I discovered that the account belong to one of our foreign Customers who died in 2003 and since his death no one have come as a relative to the late Customer for the claim of this fund. 

Then I decided to place this fund on what we call SUSPENSE ACCOUNT without any Beneficiary. As an Officer of the Bank I can not be directly connect to this money, so this informed my contacting you for us to work together so that you can assist me to receive this money As The Beneficiary To This Fund. I am willing to give you 40% of the total fund. Note there are practically no risk involved, it will be bank to bank transfer, all I need from you is your honesty and assist me By Applying To Our Bank Management as a relative and Beneficiary to The Late Depositor., I am going to program your name in the database of the Bank as a relative of the Late Customer and that now you want to close the account and have the fund transfered to you. 

If you accept this offer to work with me, I will appreciate it very much. As soon as I receive your response I will give you details on this transaction would be executed 

Best Regards, 
Mr.Hado Sore.


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