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!! Be aware SCAMs are on !!
What you are looking is scam. Don’t reply such mails/sms. It may be a “Advance Fee Fraud” case.
Note:- Name/address used on this site have no link in any way with any reputed or genuine company/person.
[ All post checked and certified by our scam reporting team for its authenticity and declared as scam. Posted here to aware others. Please don't reply to them. ]

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Gmail Security Alert

Security Team<securityteaminfo@gmail.com>    

Recently, we discovered you account might have been accessed by a third party from a different location, To ensure adequate security on your account, we Gmail Team strongly
recommend you verify your account as soon as possible.

You can do that by clicking the link below.


Thank you for choosing Gmail.Your security is our priority.

The Gmail Team Member Services

This email has been sent from an auto-notification system that cannot
accept incoming email.

** Never follow the link given in mail, it can lead you to lose your account Id and Password.


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