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Scam on name of John Samuel Gbagbo

From: John Samuel Gbagbo <johnsamuelmimosa@gmail.com> Sat, 30 Apr 2011 19:45:38
To: undisclosed recipients: ;

My Dear,
You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you do not know me. With due respect, trust and humanity, i appeal to you to exercise a little patient and read through my letter. I am Mr. Samuel Gbagbo, the uncle of President Laurent Gbagbo of Ivory Coast whom the ECOWAS AND AU want to force out of office. As I write you now his assets around the world have been ceased / frozen even here in South-Afica. I know you might be hearing what is happening in my country presently.
My uncle has been captured in his resident by French heavy military soldiers yesterday 11th April 2011 and has taken to custody in capital of Ivory Coast.
Website of the event : (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:cCmy1HX8YtwJ:www.timeslive.co.za/africa/article1013845.ece/French-soldiers-capture-Gbagbo+French+heavy+military+soldiers+on+the+11th+April+2011&cd=18&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=za&source=www.google.co.za)
 I got your contact through a liable network online in my search for a reliable and reputable person to handle a top confidential transaction which involves a transfer of fund to a foreign account and I decided to write to you. My uncle has a political problem with his rivals Alassane Ouattara due to election mal practice. And Alassane Ouattara comes from the minorities region.

Due to the rising problem of forcing my uncle out of the office, He revealed to me that I should travel to South-Africa with the document of huge amount of money he deposited with one of the security company in South-Africa. He instructed me to contact someone overseas whom I can transfer the money into his/her account as he might not know what will happen next in Ivory Coast.
Now, I am writing to you from South-Africa, and I have been in the security company and confirm the reality of the money.
 The fund deposited with security company is US$14.000.000 (Fourteen Million United States Dollars only. The consignment was deposited as a family valuable to avoid too much demur-rage in their custody.
I will give you all information you may need as soon as I see your eagerness towards the transaction.
I want you to send to me the requested below information as soon as you agree to complete the deal with me. And keep all information of the transaction confidential.
Your Full Name:............
Full Residential Address:..........
Bank Name:................................................
Account Number.....................................
Name on Account...............................
swift/Route Number.........................
Your cell Phone Number/home phone number...

Await your reply and the required details so i can instruct you what to do next so transfer of the sum of $14 Million can commence into your account.
I will give you all you needed immediately you send me your respond. Send your reply to this email address for security reasons.
Mr. Samuel. S. gbagbo


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