It is a email scam for gathering your personal information. Which may be use to gain money out of them or even harm you by using your personal information in unauthorized way.
In this type of scam mails, scammer always tries to catch recipient attention by mentioning some amount of money into it, for the purpose of gathering personal information and make their database for further use in their different fraud activities.
Don’t give your personal detail to them.
If have some more information about it please add comments to help others people to get ride from these traps.
(This is the Scam Mail sent from scammer)
From: Internal Revenue Service
Dear Applicant:
Please complete the form attached to this message.
In order to complete submit the information: Full Name, Address, City, State, Zipcode, Phone Number.
This application is to update your details to our datebase, for your effort Internal Revenue Service will give you $50.00 in the next payment.
Thank you,
Internal Revenue Service
Scam Mail Pic
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