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Suzzy Younes - I came here to look for my second half, my soulmate,my friend It is to tell about myself to you,


from:     Suzzy Younes roland_suzzy36@yahoo.co.uk
reply-to:     suzzy.suzzy23@yahoo.com
to:     roland_suzzy36@yahoo.co.uk

subject:     Hello

I came here to look for my second half, my soulmate,my friend It is to tell about myself to you, as I haven't seen you ever before. But I feel something inside. I feel like a little sign of hope that I am not doing this in vain.I feel that you have the friendly soul to mine.What I want to find is Love. Yes, Love from the big letter. Love demands everything - to present yourself, your soul to the other person. I want to learn you better. If you want the same, I will be very glad. I want to meet you and spend life with you together. I want to comfort your heart with tenderness and care. Maybe our souls belong to each other, Please write me back and i will send you some of my pictures. Pls I await for your respond !
Hug From,Suzzy


from:     Suzzy Younes suzzy.suzzy23@yahoo.com

 Hello Dear
   How are you today? i hope you are physically and emotional alright?  How was your day hope fine? am sorry for the late answer and I'm writing you this mail due to my present situation over here as a refugee.

Honestly I am writing this mail with pain and sorrow full in my heart and i hope you will have a place in your heart to console me because i need a capable person whom i can trust upon.

Before i continue i would like to introduce my self. My name is Suzzy Younes and my country of origin is Libyan, I am 5.6ft,  160 cm, i am a bit fair in complexion, i am 23 years and presently i am temporary staying in the less privilege quarters here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my home country Libya. I'm single, not yet married and i am an undergraduate and also the only daughter of late Gen, Abdel Fattah Younes.

My late father was a military General and Interior Minister of Libyan during the former regime of president Muammar Ghaddafi, On 28Th July, my beloved father body was found dead and they also attacked our house that early morning and killed my mother and everybody in cold blood.

That is how the wicked people here murdered my beloved parent and every one in our family house. That is the reason i am seeking for a good heart person whom i can entrust my self with all my heart, so that i can confind in the person without reservation. If you are the right one, please don't delay to answer me back and that is more reason why i doesn't want to do anything with anyone around me here because of the way they wickedly killed my beloved families in cold blood.

Meanwhile i migrated to another country called (Senegal) where I'm seeking an Asylum now as a refugee, as i said earlier I'm staying in the less privilege female quarters here as a refugee, because i am afraid of loosing my life there in my country, that was the reason i relocated to another country. Please i would like to know if you would be of any help to me?

Again i would be happy to know more detail about you. My likes and my dislikes are as follows, i like cooking, reading novel, morning prayers, movies, serious in relationship, out- doors, My dislike includes, liar's, l hate lazy people,i also dislike untruthfulness, heartless people, a talkative and idle person. I will tell you more about myself and i will send a phone number in my next mail. Attached here is my real picture so that you 'll know exactly who i am . Please try to tell me more about yourself and about your country too. Awaiting to hear from you soonest.
kisses from yours sincerely,
Suzzy Younes


Anonymous said...

yes i got one of these scam emails they make me laugh as if i would send them anything lol

Anonymous said...

crazy scammers that are lazy expecting to get a thing from me lolz

Anonymous said...

I jus wann to be ur phrend.my namba is 0027718212222.name is fortune sithole

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