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Business proposal of USD $22,500,000.00


Mr. Vincent Cheng<info@univ-reunion.fr>
Reply-To: choi_chu112@yahoo.co.jp

Good Day,

I have a business proposal of USD $22,500,000.00 only for you to transact with me from my bank to your country.
Reply to address:choi_chu112@yahoo.co.jp and I will let you know what is
required of you.

Best Regards,
Mr. Vincent Cheng


Thanks For Your Response(Get Back To Me)
Mr. Vincent Cheng<choi.chu112@yahoo.com.hk>    

Hello Partner,

Thank you for your response to my email and your willingness to partner me in this endeavor, considering the money involved, and due to the nature of this transaction, it is necessary for you to be sure of whom you are transacting with, you can visit our webpage and check on my biography from this link as well (http://investinginnature.com/1/2/newsroom/news/2008/vincent-cheng) you can also call our official line +852-282-21111 , but do not talk about this transaction or I may deny knowing you, when you call? ask of Mr. Vincent Cheng chairman HSBC and if I’m on sit, then your call shall be transfer to me, what I will want you to do is to abolish the call before I talk because my official line are not secured means to reach me bearing in mind, the nature of this transaction, because they are periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care in line with our Total Quality Management.

I want to be sure that you are ready, to execute this transaction with me, What I expect from you is trust and commitment, I want this large sum of money transferred with your assistance and you should have nothing to worry about regarding legality AT ALL, because what affects you? Shall also affects me too, considering the paper work we are about to sign together but, I will appreciate you to follow my directives amicably as everything shall be done in accordance passing through all international banking laws, and as a banker I know that if we follow up this transaction diligently it would be completed within 9 working days.

Moreso, please check the following link as well for more details of the death of Brigadier Amer Ali Nayef, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4160479.stm

I have attached to this mail, an agreement letter which you are to fill and sign, then scan and send it as an attachment via E-mail to me, before the Attorney can go ahead with the preparation of the required documents that shall place you as the sole beneficiary to the funds.

Please reply soonest with the signed agreements letter.

Kind Regards
Mr. Vincent Cheng.

Fake Agreement Letter attached with mail

Site reference given in mail. Scammer have no connection from it.


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